
Frontend Developer

Providing the best project exprience

I'm Deepak Kumar . A passionate Frontend developer from India.
Check out my projects and skills.

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About Me

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A passionate front-end developer from India.📍

As a Front-End Developer, I possess an impressive arsenal of skills in HTML, CSS, JavaScript. I excel in designing and maintaining responsive websites that offer a smooth user experience. My expertise lies in crafting dynamic, engaging interfaces through writing clean and optimized code and utilizing cutting-edge development tools and techniques. I am also a team player who thrives in collaborating with cross-functional teams to produce outstanding web applications.

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Think better with Next js 14

Making apps with modern technologies
Never miss a task, deadline or idea
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Performance & Security
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Secure your data with end-to-end encryption

My Projects

Bright Pathways (Website on Social Impact)

Bright Pathways (Website on Social Impact)

Developed and managed Bright Pathways, a web platform connecting users with essential services like old age homes, special schools, and adoption centers.

ASLYF (Multimodal ASL Translator)

ASLYF (Multimodal ASL Translator)

Created ASLYF, a revolutionary ASL translator aiding non-verbal individuals. Translates text to ASL, converts text to audio, and transcribes YouTube videos for accessibility.

Ecommerce Website Frontend

Ecommerce Website Frontend

Meet RedTape E-commerce: a sleek, ReactJS-powered site for seamless, lightning-fast shopping, styled with the modern flair of Tailwind CSS.

Contact Me

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